Saturday, 22 October 2011

What should we do?

So guys, we already knew lots of things about the school canteen. And to end the game, let's finally search something to solve all of the problems there. Maybe like something to make the canteen clean? Or something to make the foods more healthy?
Ok, so let's start the team power. So, let's first solve the first question.. How to make the canteen clean?
Maybe we can think that it's easy just to clean it with some kinda broom or whatever like that. But you're wrong. You're totally wrong.

So what we're gonna do is just change the ceramics. Why do we have to change it? Ok, so the first reason is because ceramic shows the hygiene of the canteen. Why? You can look at your house. If you put a beautiful ceramic in the bathroom example, we can see a more beautiful and seems like a more hygienic place than before. So maybe if we do this step to the canteen, it should also work.

Most canteen's have a dirty and ugly ceramic. Of course because it's more cheap than the good and beautiful ones. But guys, if we wanna make a change, we should do something expensive. Ok that's not the point. But now we know that everything have a price huh?
So maybe if we do this step, our canteen will be more comfortable.
But seriously, we all must do something to clean up these canteen mess. So let's just do this project.

Money. Yeah, money. The main reason why most canteens are dirty and not hygiened. You have to know that even just to sweep and swab the floor, we have to PAY a people. That totally needs MONEY. Ok, so we have to have much and much of money to keep the canteen clean and else.

So what do you think is the second thing that we can do?
What about trying to not litter?
Cause you have to know that if we litter something, it can be REALLY dangerous for the environment. The same thing also applies to the canteen. So if we already can dispose waste in it's place, your canteen SURE can be a clean and healthy place.

Just that? Oh sure no, guys. What about if we prohibit everyone not to smoke in the canteen?
Think that's a good idea. Because smoking can just make us sick. And sure it can make an air polution in the canteen if we don't forbid smokers to come to the canteen.

Then there is also a solution to make a hygienic honesty canteen.
Sure it is a great opinion. First, it can make us more honest. Second, it's hygienic, guys.
So let's start the future with an honest generation. Start it with a simple thing. We can do it

So the second question that we have to discuss is How to make the foods in the canteen healthy?
Well the answer is quite simple. But again, it cost money. Maybe a lot? Ok, we don't know.
So the first thing we must do to ensure that the food in the canteens are healthy is doing a medical tests to traders who want to sell in our canteen. 
By doing this, we don't have to be afraid to eat the foods in the canteen.

And the second thing is that we have to give a standard materials for the trades that wanna sell in our canteen. By doing this, they will be afraid to make the foods with dangerous materials. But it's kinda hard. Cause if we don't check it all time, sometimes the traders keep doing the mean things like changing the material without our knowing.

The third thing is we have to raise the price for the welfare of the traders.Because we've made a standard materials, so they surely have to earn lot's of money. And to help them, we have to earn some. Remember, you're earning money for healthy foods.
So we think that's all, guys. But we're sure that there's still a lot of things. You can add it by giving us comment ;D

Kinds of food in our canteen

Not all of the canteen is dirty and unhealthy. Because of course, the school should have selected people who want to sell foods at our school cafeteria. Canteen usually consists several kiosks that retailer is different.

Among them, there must be some sellers who provide a clean and healthy food. It could even have all the food sold is safe and healthy food for health.
Indonesia is not the only country that there are only the bad things. However, it is also a lot of good things and can totally beat the bad things.
So, it would be much better if we see a variety of foods that are available in the canteen itself.

Here are some foods that are normally on sale in the school cafeteria.

1. Rice and side dishes
  Rice is the staple food of Indonesian citizens. And school children often buy and eat rice in the canteen to supplement their energy at school

2. Noodles
  In addition to rice, noodles are the second main choice for students to fill them and give them carbohydrate

3. Fried foods

    Maybe it can be said that this is the favorite food of Indonesian citizens. Besides it tastes good, it's also cheap. But unfortunately, there are many rogue traders who rarely change the used oil until days
That's three principal snacks that are usually sold in the school cafeteria. 

There are many more snacks provided in the canteen.
But just this three is  usually made ​​by the traders

Coming up next, Beverages. Drinks. We'll discuss some main beverages sold in school

1. Soda
Ahh. Soda~ Who doesn't know this little fizzy juice. Freshen up yourself with this big boys and you'll get freshen up (plus got sting in the tongue). These soda is put on some different containers and we'll talk about it here.

1. Canned Soda
Well, maybe it's nothing called Microsoft Windows soda but anyway. This is the canned soda. This cool grenade looking tube was made by aluminum foil not to spoil. this can keeps up pressure from the soda. But quite some problem has been detected for this grenade. there has been some serious  disease or even death by this. the case is because the top of this can is "peed" or formally urinated by some rats. rendering whoever drank it to drank the urine as well as they drank the fizzy juice. Then, here comes death.

2. Glass Bottled Soda
One of all famous bottling of all. (maybe because it's multifunction and can be used as a molotov cocktail) (kidding). But a problem also occurs. the iron cap of this bottle can contaminate the bottle's hole by tetanus virus. Diseasing the drinkers that drinks without using straws.

 3. Plastic Bottled Soda
 We're not talking about soap nor Captain John "Soap" MacTavish (call of duty) here, we're talking about the bottle (plastic bottle). Easy using this bottle. this is the bottle that is also used for sodas. Simple, lightweight, fit on pockets. Reusable, Recyclable, and, simply blowable. This is made of plastic, and because of that it can blow up simply. try to shake 'em for about 2 and a half minutes, throw it away (only if you have the guts to do that) wait for it and BOOM!

That will only happen if the bottle haven't been opened or the bottle haven't blown on your hand
that's the weakness of this thing. Carry on to the next beverages

2. Coffees

an eye opener as they say. Filled with caffeine, chocolate, and sugar that'll make you spiced out. Nothing to discuss about the package because it usually uses Carton boxes (but sometimes at the royal coffee shop they're using Styrofoams which is pretty much dangerous) . Although there's no problem with the box, this still got issues for the caffeine. Caffeine slowly ruins your healthiness. And sugar slowly destroys your teeth.And somehow there's some issues about the fees. Coffees (with the 'fee' word in it) usually more expensive then other beverages such as Soda and Juices.

3. Milk

Got milk? Here it is. Milk is also a healthy beverages that is also sold on the cafeteria. This Bone-building drink have quite some different tastes, such as;
1. Plain
2. Vanilla
3. Chocolate
4. Straw. Berries
5. Grapes,
and even your favourite;

Nothing wrong with the container nor the milk itself, it's just healthy

Thursday, 20 October 2011

What we're on

A clean and healthy canteen is the dream of all people. canteen like that is exactly what will make us more comfortable and make us love to stay for a long time in the cafeteria. But unfortunately, most of the school canteen is dirty, filthy, and not  hygienic.
We can see, in Indonesia, perhaps there are already hundreds, even thousands of students who consumed poisoned foods from their school canteen.
Even know maybe in the newspaper or TV news these days you can see some case about the school canteen  poisoned food again.
Now let's move forward to our research into the scale of small schools in Indonesia, especially Jakarta. Whether we can be sure that the food we eat is healthy?

so, our objective is to tell everyone how to distinguish healthy foods and unhealthy foods.
Moreover, we also want to tell how to make the canteen more clean and sure, healthy.
Ready to join us with this discussion? Well, get ready and read our posts!
You can also join with your comments.

We'll love it if you like our blog and can get some lessons from our blog.
So what are you waiting for? Go on and check it out :D

Here are we!

So, hey all! First of all, we'd like to introduce ourself.
We're a group of three. Three students from 111 Junior High School, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Don't know our school? Oh Gosh, you're lame...
Ok then, 111 Junior High school is a school located in Kemanggisan, West Jakarta.
Ok, so we're students of class 8 and 9. We're Ditta, Alvin, and Bayu.
Check out our profile!

Ditta Shabrina Suhada
14 years old

Alvin Rasyadi
13 years old

Bayu Farhan Suhada
13 years old

Well, we can't give you specific informations like what's our favorite color, our favorite food and drink etc.
It'll just waste the pages of this blog haha
If you wanna contact us, just email us! :)

Background of the problem

Canteen. What exactly is the meaning of the canteen itself? Whether we can buy food in the canteen? Is the food sold in the canteen is healthy? The answer can be found within ourselves. What is the meaning of the canteen? Canteen is essentially a place for buying and selling food and beverages in schools. But many also interpret it as a place to gather with friends. To get together with friends, would be much better if we have a clean and comfortable canteen.Whether we can buy food in the canteen? The answer is certainly yes. That's the core of the canteen itself. but unfortunately not all the food in the cafeteria health guaranteed., The answer is once again answer the third question, i.e Is the food sold in the canteen is healthy? Identical cafeteria with fast food and cheap. Of course, in accordance with our bags, students bags.

And because the price is cheap, of course the materials that is used to make food in the canteen was not a quality materials.
Meanwhile, if the material is replaced with quality materials, the traders would have to raise the price of food / drinks they sell. And if the price is raised, it is likely they will lack the consumer so they will go bankrupt.
There are so many things that related to an unhealthy canteen. Unfortunately until now we have not been able to fix everything.

But we still can try to make a clean, healthy, and comfortable canteen. We just have to make some positive changes. But what is it?
Ok, our team will talk about it and give you guys some suggestion.
So let's start cleaning all these mess up!

Thursday, 06 October 2011

Honesty Canteen

So guys we're gonna talk about the honesty canteen. Most schools have a honesty canteen. For 111 itself (our school), honesty canteen have it's own room. There are no cctvs or even sellers. We just put the food in the room for anyone who wanna buy it. Of course it's because it is an honesty canteen.
We think an honesty canteen is really a great idea to make students more honest.

Why do we talk about this? Of course because it's also a canteen.
Well the question is. Are the foods healthy?
Can we trust the sellers to sell healthy foods?
So let's just talk about it now.

An honesty canteen usually takes place in a hygienic room. So we don't really have to talk abot the hygiene of the place. So the thing we sure have to ask is "Are the foods healthy?"
So the answer of this question depends on the school. Seriously, usually the honesty canteen is runned by the school. So if the school is honest and take good care of the honest canteen, I bet the foods are all save.

Honesty canteen foods usually are:

1. Bread

Yup, breads are usually sold here.
Sometimes, the canteen buy some breads from one bakery and then sell it with a little expensive price.
But seriously, it's hygiene.

2. Snacks

This is one favorite thing that students love so much!
What is it? Of course snacks. Lots and lots of snacks.
If we can't get these things in the normal canteen, we can just go to the honesty canteen to get it.
But, remember. Still a little bit more expensive than the normal canteen.

3. Milk

What do kids love? MILK!
We love it cause it's simple, healthy, and it can make us glut.
Most honesty canteen have milk. Yup, it's quite simple.
But still, more expensive.

So, the conclusion is the honesty canteen is identic with more expensive price than the normal canteen.
But it surely is hygienic and save.
So it's still a good opinion to buy things here.